In this section, we unpack the economic situation in Sudan from the perspective of money flows at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels. In other words, we look at the ‘nominal’ side of the economy rather than focus on the real economy.
See Methodology for the scope of the analysis as well as Background > … > Real versus nominal economic analysis for more details
Situation analysis is provided for 1. inflation, depreciation and liquidity constraints at the macro-level, 2. the financial system at the meso-level, and 3. financial inclusion at the micro-level.
If you don’t have any knowledge at all about Sudan, you can look at the Background section where you will find only the few elements that were relevant to the scope of this analysis and will be leveraged in this section.
<aside> 💡 Functional analysis The methodology we have used for this situation analysis is based on a functional approach. We seek to describe the current state of things and identify challenges and opportunities. When identifying dysfunctionalities, we then look at whether it stems from structural (proxied by whether it already existed before the crisis) or situational factors (proxied by the fact that it started with the current crisis). The aim is to attempt at differentiating which challenges are likely to last and or amplify versus which are more likely to be temporary and recede with the current conflict. We use the following legend**:**
Functional elements & opportunities for growth are indicated with the color green Partially dysfunctional elements are indicated with the color yellow Completely dysfunctional elements are indicated in red
Structural issues are indicated with the symbol !! (e.g. ‼︎ ‼︎ ‼︎) Situational issues are indicated with the symbol !? (e.g. ⁉︎ ⁉︎ ⁉︎) **** To discuss what changes may happen in the short and medium term, we use the symbol ?? (e.g. ⁇ ⁇ ⁇) ****
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