In LAC, PoE is considered a tactical tool of the Regional Advisor, when we developed the RA with Mamta and Fe (refer to approved RA document)

The document 210322 _ One year after the Scoping Mission in Panama, is the first example where we deployed a RA, who has function roles with deployees (yet to be approved by then ad-hoc), connected the dots technically, influence deployments, look for partners actively and this was product of the first scoping in LAC and I developed the guideline for scoping. So this was the seeds to cross fertilize to develop the RA.

From Jimena’s perspective, the elements of POE have been used and refined since 2020 in the region. In 2022, she had a TOR that reflects that, as well as a much clearer role in operationalizing the new strategy. This is when other scoping missions, such as Guatemala, had a role to play.

However, there are PoE that are much more difficult, that is the example of mixed migration settings, where because of the complexities, without a PoE analysis, if you do things business as usual you would be “wrong”, you would sit in one or another coordination mechanisms, contributing to fragmentation and against main advocacy lines on coordination that the regional adviser with her expertise has contributed to shape (white paper)— so a PoE led to find partners who would dare to work in a sensitive topic, outside the coordination mechanisms, in spaces where is underfunded and politically without support, as it irregular migration pathways. So for Jimena that was all refinement of PoE at other level that Guatemala, it was puzzle of innovation and PoE analysis.

In the Caribbean, it was the same, Caribbean is totally separated from regional offices, it has its own dynamics and difficult to enter and find partners to work with. WFP leads most of the relationship in SRSP, so Jimena decided to do the mentoring program to “enter” into the Caribbean landscape.. work with UNICEF and develop SIMEX methodology to offer to countries.. we will see if this premise work .. for now Jimena is traveling and doing it herself, ideally she would have more funding and a bigger team to give this service to Gov.. but is a process.. as it is now a touch and go , relationship with Gov are long term so they need steady funding. Now, Jimena and the support also of PMU, will do scoping to find more spaces and new partners in AA and contrinute to climate discussions.

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