The following is inspired by the ‘Handbook for Humanitarian Coordinators’ and is provided to demonstrate the strategic support CC as a neutral inter-agency resource can have to strengthen the coherence, effectiveness and quality of cash assistance across a response.
- Promote a common understanding of the feasibility of different response options as part of strategic planning processes, including advocating for the consideration of CVA as a default response option alongside in-kind items and services, where feasible and appropriate,
- Where appropriate, advocate for stronger links between humanitarian cash actors and national social-protection mechanisms by leading efforts to coordinate with development actors (including the World Bank) and national Governments around a common vision, objective(s) and workplan,
- Where needed, engage with relevant Government interlocutors to enable the reflection of cash in Government policy and practice, while mitigating and addressing political or technical blockages to the use of cash as a modality,
- Reviewing the use and coordination of cash assistance across the response to identify coherence and efficiency opportunities, then mobilizing operational actors towards collectively agreed improvements,
- Promote the consideration of CVA as part of common funding mechanisms, and anticipatory financing mechanisms, where feasible and appropriate,
- Enable more inclusive coordination and cash programming, with greater participation of national and local actors, helping to ensure that decisions regarding cash interventions are made closer and with greater accountability to the crisis-affected populations,
- Build alliances and collective engagement, within and between important stakeholders, including but not limited to financial service providers, economists, institutional donors, Government departments, operational agencies, local actors etc, and
- Ensure that cash coordination mechanisms are well resourced, represent all sectors and promote activities in line with the overall priorities of the response.
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