
Mongolia is experiencing dzud conditions more frequently in recent years and in the winters of 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 the RCO had had to coordinate early action and response plans for the humanitarian response. These are essentially appeals but include Anticipatory actions because duzd is a slow onset hazard event and the assistance to vulnerable herder families starts in November with the aim of mitigating the impact (peak in February/March).

In this context, the RCO in Mongolia requested support form the RCWG to set-up the CWG and the harmonising of transfer values.

The RCO focal point and Regional AP CashCap have been collaborating over two appeals where the CWG was required, and this support is the ‘traditional’ form of activities, from CWG set-up, ToR, co-chair (FAO), meeting facilitation, etc. but the Mongolia CWG is one of the first in Asia-Pacific who is co-chaired by the RCO in an HPC, in the absence of permanent OCHA presence.

Examples of two dzud appeals the Regional CCer supported the RCO with:

...RCO is also co-chairing the CWG (at my insisting)


Bangladesh in one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region where coordinated design and implementation of AA is most advanced and documented, especially in the OCHA CERF AA framework which has been in place since 2020, which included UN and non-UN entities and coordinated with national authorities.

In May 2023, in the context of ongoing work on harmonising Anticipatory Action in Bangladesh, the members of the Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (HCTT) (coordinated by the RCO) determined the need for a harmonised package of assistance for AA and response, with update to the MEB and cash transfer values.

The RCO focal point requested support from the Asia-Pacific RCWG to develop an intersectoral cash package for AA and response for the HCTT in Bangladesh and over the following months the AP Regional CashCap provided support to the stakeholders in Bangladesh (RCO, HCTT, and CWG).

The scope of the support, remote and in-country, was defined between the RCO focal point and AP Regional CashCap, and consisted of two products the design and implementation of the pre-crisis assessment which would inform the cash package, and the development of the unified cash+ framework for the HCTT in Bangladesh. The pre-crisis assessment focused on monsoon flooding AA and response and was endorsed by the UN Resident Coordinator and the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief of Bangladesh. The participation in the development of the pre-crisis survey and unified framework included members of the HCTT, cluster leads, UN agencies, INGOs, local NGOs, and the NDMO.

These are two examples of RCO led work that CashCap supported

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